First International Mural for the Asta Art Tour! And in sunny beautiful Cabo San Lucas Mexico! A company in Chicago saw my 5,000 sq ft mural in Pilsen Chicago... a sister company to them owns a an institution of a night club and restaurant in Cabo called Squid Roe... a unique domino effect of connections later... they asked me to do a large scale mural in Cabo and I was thrilled! This would also be the first exterior mural of 2018. Exterior is the best! I get to interact with the public and hopefully inspire while I work. It was a new experience to have the language barrier, but I held my own (thank you high school spanish and 10 years of working in bars and restaurants!). This large scale mural took 11 days and I can't wait to travel to more International destinations for work. Lots of new learning curves and experiences... which is always a good thing for both personal and artistic growth,